Recognising you have clutter and the benefits of Uncluttering is an amazing revelation and a bit like driving a car, you will not forget the method once you have mastered it. If your feeling stressed, burdened, stuck, tired, unfulfilled and heavy. You know you are ready!
Whenever I work with new clients or meet people for the first time, I always get asked the same questions; how did I begin my business and what inspired me to do it. Many times, clients tell me how relieved and at peace they feel when their house is in order. Uncluttering your home and work space can lead to a less cluttered mind. These visual distractions pull on us in more ways than we realise.
Recently I had the pleasure of meeting Holly Worton of Socially Holistic and she kindly invited me to be interviewed about my business Unclutter Your Life. We had a great time discussing the reasons behind why I do what I do and how it has fantastic benefits for the people I meet.
Below please do listen to the Podcast that takes you through my journey to living simply uncluttered both in my home and in my mind.
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