Hello, I’m Julieanne Steel the founder of Unclutter your Life
I am passionate about empowering you to live more and own less. Studies have proven that leading an uncluttered life significantly lowers stress levels. The fewer things that you own, manage and are responsible for, the fewer are the stresses that accompany them.
Actual physical clutter adds to the tension of your day. Emotional commitments drain our energy. Minimising sets you free to lead an Uncluttered life. Are you feeling overwhelmed? Is it all too much? Free your mind – free your space..
Be the change that you wish to see in the world (Gandhi)
Many transitional phases take place in our lives as we contemplate change. The process of change requires us to Let Go, to acknowledge our fears in the face of adversity and unpack our past thoughts. It is hard to let go of the past and old habits UNTIL you have found a NEW better way. If we knew better we would choose better.
Read more about the uncluttering process
If you are interested in learning new ways to simplify and unclutter your life, keep an eye out for my minimising tips and inspiration!